How Can Parents Start Boosting Their Own Confidence?

Needless to say, parenting is by far one of the most rewarding journeys you can embark on, but let’s face it: it can also be incredibly daunting. Actually, that word barely even describes the feeling; it’s basically not enough. It takes a lot to be a parent, especially a good parent, and an influential parent. In fact, every parent at some point wonders if they’re doing it right. 

As a parent, you’re trying to do anything and everything you can to help boost your child’s confidence, but it’s not just their confidence that needs helping. In fact, gaining confidence in your parenting isn’t about becoming perfect—it’s about feeling more secure in the choices you make for your family. But how can you build up this confidence? Well, here’s exactly what you need to know!

How Parental Confidence Took a Nosedive

As unfortunate as it is to say, there are many parents out there who find themselves grappling with a sense of inadequacy. So, where is this coming from? Why is this something that’s new? Well, this phenomenon is largely fueled by the pervasive influence of social media. This might not be such a big surprise either. ‘’

Just think about it for a moment: platforms teeming with images of picture-perfect families, flawlessly curated by mommy bloggers and influencers, present an idealized version of parenthood that often doesn’t match the messy, unpredictable reality of raising children.

Just picture it for a moment: you’re scrolling through your feed, and it’s basically just showcasing impeccable homes, expertly planned family outings, and children in pristine outfits. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of comparison. 

And you know what? This constant exposure to idealized images can erode confidence, leaving parents feeling like they’re not measuring up to an unrealistic standard. The pressure to emulate these seemingly perfect lives can be overwhelming, obscuring the truth that all families face challenges and that there’s no one “right” way to be a parent.

How Can Parents Build Back Confidence? 

Is it as simple as just cutting away from social media? It can be for some, but for other parents, it’s really not as simple as deleting Instagram and TikTok from your phone. You also have to keep in mind that there’s this societal pressure to be the perfect parent. Just look at old 1960s TV shows; they are filled with perfection nonsense. 

It’s all honestly going to vary when it comes to confidence as a parent; sometimes, it can be deleting some apps; other times, it can be training yourself to no longer compare; and other times, it’s focusing on more unique things you can achieve like taking BLS classes to gain confidence and know what to do for medical emergencies. It’s going to vary. But, with that said, here are some ideas that you could try out. 

Trust Your Instincts

You know your child better than anyone else. This is why trusting your instincts is a crucial step in becoming a more confident parent. While advice from books, experts, and other parents can be helpful, remember that what works for one child might not work for yours. Believe in your innate ability to make decisions that are best for your child.

Connect with Other Parents

Sometimes, just knowing you’re not alone in your struggles can boost your confidence immensely. So, connecting with other parents can actually provide not just support but also different perspectives on handling common parenting challenges. Whether it’s joining local parenting groups, attending community events, or participating in online forums, finding a community can reassure you that you’re not alone on this journey.

Just Celebrate the Small Wins

As you already know, parenting is full of challenges, but it’s also filled with victories—big and small. So, it’s going to be a good idea to just take time to celebrate these wins. Did you manage to soothe your toddler’s tantrum? Did your teen open up to you about a problem at school? These are significant achievements! Acknowledging and celebrating these moments can reinforce your belief in your parenting skills.

Stay Informed

Oh yes, you know this one: knowledge is power! The more you know, the more prepared you’ll feel. It’s like what was mentioned above about taking classes to have confidence in case of emergencies. It’s a similar concept (but you don’t have to take it that far). For example, you can just read up on child development to understand what behaviors and challenges are typical at various stages of growth. 

This doesn’t mean you need to read every parenting book or blog (that can actually overwhelm you), but finding a few trusted sources for information can help you feel more grounded and informed.

Set Realistic Expectations

Sometimes, our biggest critic is ourselves—well, almost always. This is why it is important to set realistic expectations about what you can achieve as a parent. You seriously need to understand that no parent is perfect. Accepting that there will be good days and bad days helps manage your own expectations and alleviates the pressure to be perfect.

Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is not selfish—it’s essential. Parenting can be exhausting, and burnout is real. Seriosuly, you can’t always put everyone else ahead; sometimes you need to focus on yourself! Just give it some thought for a moment; by prioritizing your well-being through adequate rest, nutrition, exercise, and even time off, you replenish your energy reserves. When you feel good, you’re more likely to handle parenting challenges confidently.

Reflect and Adjust

It’s going to take time to reflect on your parenting journey. What strategies have worked? What hasn’t? Reflection can help you learn from experiences and better equip you for future situations. Really, being adaptable and willing to adjust your approaches as needed is a sign of a confident and thoughtful parent. You’re only human, not a Stepford Wife. 

Seek Professional Guidance When Needed

Now, this one is the biggest piece of advice! If you’re struggling with particular aspects of parenting, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. For example, you could consult a pediatrician about health concerns, talk to a counselor about behavioral issues, or attend parenting workshops. 

But reaching out for professional help is a proactive step that underscores a confident approach to parenting. Sometimes, you can look things up online, but your best bet is to physically see and speak with a professional. 

It’s All About Connection, Not Perfection

Focus on building a strong, loving connection with your child rather than striving for perfection in every aspect of parenting. Play, laugh, and be present—these moments matter more than having a spotless home or the perfect schedule. At the end of the day, a strong bond with your child is what fosters a healthy environment for growth and learning—for both of you.

Lean on Your Support System

As a parent, you 100% need to focus on building and maintaining a strong support network. Knowing you have people to lean on can make all the difference in your parental confidence. You always need to have people at your back in case you call. So, like all other support systems, it’s up to you how you can go about this network, such as family, friends, or other parents. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or advice when you need it—parenting was never meant to be a solo journey.

It All Takes Time

Whether you decide to do these or go about an entirely different approach, you’ll have to understand that it’s all going to take time. So that means you’ll need to have a lot of patience when it comes to all of this. Now, it might not be ideal, but confidence building is a slow and long-term characteristic. 

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Jodi Carlson is a mother of 2 children, wife, and a full time product owner at a large Insurance company. She is a mom just trying to juggle a full-time job with a family life. She shares countless tips and tricks of things she has experienced first hand with her kids. As she continues to guide and teach them to become caring, sensible and responsible human beings, all while working a full time job, maintaining a home and some how still allowing for some personal time and growth. Are you a Girl Scout Leader? Along with Mom Connecting Moms, she shares her 25+ years of Girl Scout experience over at Leader Connecting Leaders , there she shares ideas and resources to help leaders who are inspiring girl leaders of tomorrow plan their troop meetings. Check out Leader Connecting Leaders .