How Can You Help Your Child With Autism Succeed At School?

Every parent wants their child to do well at school. It’s an important measurement of their development, not to mention vital in preparing them for a future as a self-reliant and thriving adult. However, some children can have more difficulty succeeding at school, as parents of children with ASD may well know. As such, here, we’re going to look at some of the approaches you might have to take to provide the extra support that your child may need.

Develop an Individualized Education Plan

First, it’s important to address if your child is likely to have additional needs when they are at school and, just as importantly, to choose a school that is able to provide them. This includes the creation of an IEP or individualized education program. Sites like can break down the basics of what goes into an IEP, which addresses your child’s specific needs, strengths, and goals. Ensure the plan includes appropriate accommodations and supports.

Stay in communication with their teachers and staff

Maintain regular and open communication with teachers, school counselors, and support staff. Share insights about your child’s preferences, triggers, and effective strategies that work at home. This can also include sharing with them things like sensory-friendly tools that can offer some level of comfort in the classroom, as well as visual supports like schedules and charts that can help your child with communication and understanding.

Help them adjust to social situations

Encourage social interaction and friendship-building by supporting participation in group activities and social skills training. Role-playing and social stories can help prepare your child for social situations. Services such as can help your child learn the kind of appropriate behavior when in public and with other children. This can pave the way for them to more easily make friends, and avoid the ostracization that often happens to children that are not socialized.

Ensure a structured routine for your child

A lot of children, especially those with autism, can learn to hate their school, not because of the school itself, the teachers, or the other children, but because it is a disruption in their usual schedule. Consistency and predictability can help your child feel secure. Work with the school to establish a structured daily routine, including clear expectations and schedules. While you might want to adjust things along the way, try to avoid making too many major changes to your school life as time goes on.

Help your child advocate for themselves

While your child’s teachers and support staff should be made aware of their individual needs, sometimes you can’t rely on them to give your child as much consideration as they need, not when they have a full classroom to deal with. As such, you should teach your child to communicate their needs and self-advocate. Encourage them to express when they need help or a break, fostering independence and self-confidence.

Helping your autistic child succeed at school requires a tailored approach. The tips above can help you find the right path forward for them.

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Jodi Carlson is a mother of 2 children, wife, and a full time product owner at a large Insurance company. She is a mom just trying to juggle a full-time job with a family life. She shares countless tips and tricks of things she has experienced first hand with her kids. As she continues to guide and teach them to become caring, sensible and responsible human beings, all while working a full time job, maintaining a home and some how still allowing for some personal time and growth. Are you a Girl Scout Leader? Along with Mom Connecting Moms, she shares her 25+ years of Girl Scout experience over at Leader Connecting Leaders , there she shares ideas and resources to help leaders who are inspiring girl leaders of tomorrow plan their troop meetings. Check out Leader Connecting Leaders .