Teachers are probably the closest thing to a superhero that you can encounter at a young age. They shape the minds and touch the hearts of your kids and future generations. So when it comes to finding a gift, it can be a challenge to pick out something to express appreciation for someone who does so much.
Use these printables to help your child find or present the perfect gift for their teacher. Whether it’s the beginning of the school year, winter break, or Teacher Appreciation Week, you’ll be able to find the perfect teacher-approved gift.
Get To Know My Teacher Worksheet

There is no one-size fits all when it comes to gifting. Use this printable teacher questionnaire to find out your teachers wants, preferences, and needs so you can provide them with the best gifts throughout the school year.
Sanitation Labels

Sanitation supplies are always important in a classroom — especially in a post-pandemic society. Stock up on disinfectant wipes, tissues, and hand sanitizer and give them to a teacher so they can have them handy at all times. To make these simple—yet very effective gifts more special, print these printable sanitation labels and tape them to each sanitation container.
Gift Card Tag

You can never go wrong with gift cards. From favorite restaurants to retail stores, there’s plenty to choose from and teachers will be very grateful. Make it extra special by using this encouraging printable gift card tag to tape your gift certificate onto.
Holiday Plant Tag

Plants make for great holiday gifts for your favorite teacher as they offer so many mood-boosting and air purifying benefits while lasting way longer than a bouquet of flowers. Don’t forget to add this printable holiday plant tag to make the gift even more special.