Minecraft is one of the most popular video games out there for kids right now. However finding fun activities to put together for a Birthday Party were more challenging then I thought it would be. So I took some of what I found online and my own creative skills to come up with a fun and exciting way to celebrate my sons 6th birthday. The added challenge it took place during the worst part of Covid, so it was plan a party for my son where he could enjoy the party with just his immediate family.
Today I want to share with you the outcome of that party and the exact scavenger hunt I put together for my son that you can use. It can easily be adjusted to fit the type of party you will have with your child.
Minecraft Scavenger Hunt
Many scavenger hunts will ask you to go find things, or follow clues. I wanted our Minecraft hunt to fill the whole day. I wanted it to become the steps through each activity we did. So I put my creative skills to use and put together a scavenger hunt full of education challenges, Minecraft surprises and what every birthday holds gifts along the way.
Each Scavenger Hunt riddle comes with idea for an educational activity, what to do in the actual game plus gift idea.
If you want the free scavenger hunt you can get it here
Step 1: Using the Scavenger Hunt I put together 14 different challenges or activities. You can hide them around the house in numbered bags, eggs, or other cool hidden containers. I used TNT and Minecraft design bags and folded the hint inside bag. On top of that hint was a number. That way my son had to go find the correct numbered bag.

Step 2: Plan each of the activities to go along with the scavenger hunt item. If you download the scavenger hunt you will get a email with everything I did for each of the clues.
Example we had a chest to start the day. Inside that chest was the Minecraft attire to wear for the day. We went all out and he got new pants, shirt, sunglasses, hat, socks, and even underwear that had Minecraft on them.

Other examples from the scavenger hunt lead my son to making something with a Minecraft clay set, putting together a light display using Minecraft blocks and turning his light switch into a Minecraft switch.
Where can I get these cool supplies?

Step 3: Go through each of the clues and do the activity to go with each clue. You can do any or all the gifts that I did for each step or you can pick and choose which ones are best for your situation. Since we couldn’t get together with anyone because of Covid we had everyone provide the different gifts for each scavenger hunt item. You could also do that if you were all together as well.
Minecraft Craft / Gift / Decoration
I know we all love a little fun with perler beads. My kids love making small creations and having me iron them together. How about making a Minecraft Design to put in your child’s room or depending on age of your child this could be a fun craft to do on their birthday. Make the decorations to iron and put on their wall. Or what about buying a Minecraft-shaped balloon garland? It would be fun and unique and definitely set the tone for the party.

Using Minecraft Educational Booklet
Throughout the day while going through the scavenger hunt. We used a Minecraft workbook that I bought off Amazon called Unofficial STEM Challenges for Minecrafters: Grades 1–2. It was a great way to incorporate fun with educational swing on the event. I promise your child wont even realize they are learning while going through the day. My son was upset when we finished the day and wanted me to come up with more activities.